
Soil and vegetation

  Soil and vegetation The area is composed of undulating high and low lands with many rocks and gravels due to volcanic eruptions. The soil type consists of basalts and is as a result of the first volcanic activity in the Fako Mountain area which occurred in the Cretaceous system. These soils have been weathered and partly covered by more recent deposits; thus, the soils are black and these areas are well drained due to the generally hilly nature of the terrain and the fact that they are free-draining. The soil is very rich in nutrients and allows the cultivation of various crops such as tomatoes, cabbage, okro, pepper, corn, cocoyam, yams, cassava, plantains, beans, vegetables and even some 228cash crops such as palm trees, cocoa and bananas. The soil and climate are very supportive of vegetation and agriculture though in some areas digging is difficult due to the cruel nature of the rocks.   The vegetation is generally green almost throughout the year with fewer tree...